Q: Can I use your music for my video/stream/mix/etc.?

A: You're generally allowed to use my music free of charge as long as the following requirements are met:

  • You must have bought my music on Bandcamp.

  • You must credit me with my artist name "Wisteria Motif" as well as the name of the song(s) you used. Usually a simple mention in for example a video description or the credits is enough.

  • My music must not be the main element of the content. For example a simple re-upload of my music is prohibited.

  • My music must not be associated with any political or harmful content.

  • You are not allowed to use my music in a professional commercial context. This does not affect for example small YouTubers or Streamers, but brands, corporations or professionals.

If you want to use my music commercially or want to ask about more specific details feel free to message me at wisteriamotif [at] gmail.com

Q: What do you use to make music?

A: My music is almost exclusively done digitally. My DAW of choice is Image-Line's FL Studio, my favorite synthesizers are Serum and Diva and my go-to sample libraries are Keyscape and VSL's Synchron Pianos. My overall favorite plugin is probably Pro-Q 3, as I use it on almost every channel. Other favorites include XLN RC-20, UVI Relayer and LFO Tool.

Q: May I remix one of your songs?

A: Sure. If you want stems and samples, message me at wisteriamotif [at] gmail.com

Q: I have additional questions, may I message you?

A: Feel free to message me at wisteriamotif [at] gmail.com for all kinds of questions, feedback or more.